Movie OST, Disney & Animations : Doraemon, Sailor Moon, Castle in the Sky, Bibbidi Bobbidi boo from Cinderella, Arabian Nights from Aladdin, Bink's Sake, Belle from Beauty and the beast, Circle of Life From Lion king, I see the light from Tangled, Kimi No Toriko, Believe from Polar Express, Thanksgiving theme from Charlie Brown, GodFather, Do Re Mi from Sound of music, Edelweiss, Over the Rainbow, A time for us, Chim Chim Cheree from Mary Poppins, Howl's Moving Castle, Cinema paradiso, Game of Throne, Never ending story, Taqdeer, Bella Ciao, Mission Impossible, This is Halloween, Jurassic Park, Ashokan Farewell, Addam's Family, Beautiful from Goblin, Shallow, Rias Gremory, A whole new world from Aladdin, Pink Panther, Le Festin from Ratatouille, Let it go from Frozen, Star wars theme, Titanic OST, Hedwig's theme from Harry Potter, Moon River, He's a Pirate, A window from the past
Traditionals : Danny boy, You are my Sunshine, Au Clair De La Lune, My Dreidel, Arirang, Mo Li Hua, America the beautiful, La cumparsita, French folk song, Sakura Sakura, Katyusha, Greensleeves, La Cucaracha, Santa Lucia, Romanza, Besame Mucho, The Star Spangled Banner, What a wonderful world, Bye bye blackbird, Summertime, Wonderful tonight, Happy Birthday
Christmas Carols : The first noel, Jingle bells easy version, Jingle bells full version, Carol of the bells, we wish you a merry Christmas, Silent night, O come all ye faithful, Dance of the sugarplum, Angels we have heard on high, white Christmas, Jingle bell rock, Feliz Navidad, Last christmas, Winter wonderland, It's beginning to look a lot like christmas, Halloween Theme, Joy to the World, All I want for Christmas is you, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to town, What child is this, Away in a Manger, Mary did you know, We three kings, O little town Bethlehem, It came upon a midnight clear, Infant holy infant lowly, Snowman by Sia, O holy night, The Christmas Song, Where are you Christmas, Los peces en el rio, The little drummer boy, Christmas time is here, Do you hear what I hear, holly holly Christmas, Have yourself a merry christmas, Rocking around the christmas tree, O come O come emmanuel, Silver bells, I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, Frosty the snowman, Deck the halls,
Pop & Kpop : Perfect, Love me tender, Senorita, Despacito, Lambada, Someone you loved, The Scientist, The winner takes it all, Demons, All of me, Hallelujah, My way, You raise me up, Fairytale, Jerusalema, What a wonderful world, Girls like you, Boulevard of Broken dreams, Flying, Mary did you know, Unholy, Lift me up, Snowman, Wonderful tonight, Dance Monkey, Shallow, Believer, Faded, Can't help falling in love, Fly me to the moon, Lily, Happy New year, Anti-hero
Hymns : Lord of all hopefulness, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring, O come all ye faithful, Amazing Grace, Blessed assurance, Great is thy faithfulness, Holy Holy Holy, Come thou fount of every blessing, all hail the power of Jesus' name, Crown him with many crowns, For the beauty of the earth, Praise the lord the almight, The love of God is greater far, what a friend we have in Jesus, Be thou my vision, Love divine, all loves excelling, Praise my soul the king of heaven, He will hold me fast, Savior, Redeemer of my soul
Children's Song : London bridge is falling down, Ode to joy, Frere Jacques, Barney I love you, Bingo, O my darling Clementine, Home on the range, if you are happy and you know it, Skip to my lou, Oh Susanna, The wheels on the bus, Rock a bye, baby, Baby bumblebee, It's a small world, itsy bitsy spider, I'm a little teapot, Little jack Horner, Little bunny Foo Foo, Knees up, Mother brown, I'm a nut, Humpty Dumpty, How much is that doggy, Hey diddle diddle, Frog went a courtin, For he's a jolly good fellow, Five little monkeys, Donkey riding, Do your ears hang low, Baa Baa Black sheet, A peanut sat on railroad, Go tell it on the mountain, Ten little indians, Happy wanderer, Three blind mice, puff the magic dragon, Old grey mare, Too ra loo ra loo ral, Little brown jug, Yankee Doodle, Old MacDonald had a farm, Little miss Muffet, Ghost of John, Row Row Row your Boat, Baby shark, Mary had a little lamb,
Violin Duet : Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jingle bells, Mary had a little lamb, Lightly row, Ode to joy, Song of the wind, May Song, Go tell aunt Rhody, Allegro, D major scale Duet
Classical Pieces : Ave Maria, Swan Lake, Vivaldi Winter, Trepak, Vivaldi Spring, Brahms' Lullaby, Canon in D, Die Forelle, Romanza, La Cumparsita, Saint Saen's Swan, Air on the G string, Hungarian Dance, Waltz by Shostakovich, Fur Elise