1. AEA Song
2. DAD Song
3. GDG Song
4. Ant Song
5. Wintertime in Russia (Pepperoni pizza)
6. Bow River Fiddling (Pop sickle pop sickle)
7. Atacama Crossing (Pepperoni pizza with string crossing)
8. Cross Lake Blues (Pizza with string crossing)
9. Honolulu Hula Dance (Watermelon Watermelon)
10. Chopstikcs in Chinatown (Strawberry Strawberry)
11. Dancing in Avignon (Ice Cream Shh Cone)
12. Easter Island Monkey Song (Open & 1st finger)
13. See saw Song
14. Easter Island Monkey Song (Open 1st & 2nd fingers)
15. Easter Island Monkey Song (on Baby string)
I'm a little monkey - Climbing up the ladder - Climbing very high to - pick a pink banana
I'm a little monkey - Climbing down the ladder - Climbing very low to - eat the pink banana
16. Easter Island Monkey Song (on Mommy string)
17. E & D with 4 beats counting
18. E & D with 2 beats counting
19. E & D with 1 beat counting
20. E & D with no counting